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輸入ホルン用楽譜 The Horn Collection: Intermediate to Advanced Level 別冊と音声オンラインアクセスコード付き クラシック曲

0d - 0h 00' 00s
Bán bởi aasunarov2
Số lượt đấu giá: 0 
Giá hiện tại:
219,240 đ 1,260 ¥
Thuế tại nhật: 0 %
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Giá mua ngay:
236,640 đ 1,360 ¥
Trạng thái:Đã sử dụng
Số lượng:1
Thời gian bắt đầu:2024.04.27 (Sat) 17:54
Thời gian kết thúc:2024.04.28 (Sun) 17:54
Mở rộng thời gian đấu:Không
Kết thúc sớm:Không
Hoàn trả:Không
Hạn chế thẩm định:Không
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Giá khởi điểm:1,260 yên ( 219,240 đ )
Auction ID:t1129505693

Thông tin sản phẩm

輸入ホルン用楽譜 The Horn Collection: Intermediate to Advanced Level 別冊と音声オンラインアクセスコード付き

♪価 格-19.99ドル+税

(Brass Solo). These collections from G. Schirmer are designed for high school and college players, with particular attention paid to various state contest repertory lists. The literature is organized by difficulty, with historical information about each piece. Master composers are well-represented, as is standard literature. Includes beautiful companion recordings of all the pieces, as well as recorded piano accompaniments. Audio is accessed online using the unique code inside each book and can be downloaded or streamed according to personal preference.



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この商品説明は オークション落札相場サイト「オークファン」出品テンプレート で作成されています。(ヤフオク専用)
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