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0d - 0h 00' 00s
Bán bởi fairok12jp
Số lượt đấu giá: 0 
Giá hiện tại:
124,600 đ 700 ¥
Thuế tại nhật: 0 %
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Giá mua ngay:
126,380 đ 710 ¥
Trạng thái:Đã sử dụng
Số lượng:1
Thời gian bắt đầu:2024.05.04 (Sat) 18:01
Thời gian kết thúc:2024.05.11 (Sat) 18:01
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Giá khởi điểm:700 yên ( 124,600 đ )
Auction ID:r125969178

Thông tin sản phẩm






absolutely great for the beginning or casual golfer, October 12, 2012
Verified Purchase(What's this?)
This review is from: Automatic Golf Bob Mann Vol 1 and 2 (VHS Tape)
if u can get over the "messanger", the message is pretty good
no "tuck your elbow, clear your hips, flatten your plane, etc."
pretty much "this is how u grip it, this is how you stand and go"

this is a replacement of my copy that i had bought 20 years ago and got loaned out over the years and disappeared

i carry an 11 handicap and i go back to this basic video whenever i watch too much golf channel

if u plan on playing on the pga and have the time to practice 5 hours a day then this is not sophisticated enough 4 u but if u want to keep your head clear and pretty much grip it and rip it then its definitely worth the $5.

i also have the dvd 2nd version with a similar title and its just not close to being as good

good luck