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完成品 1/350 航空母艦 赤城 // IJN Aircraft Carrier AKAGI Full build. [Amegraphy]

0d - 0h 00' 00s
Bán bởi ame_log
Số lượt đấu giá: 0 
Giá hiện tại:
70,400,000 đ 400,000 ¥
Thuế tại nhật: 0 %
Phí vận chuyển nội địa: Không
Bạn đang đăng ký săn phút chót sản phẩm này ở mức giá:
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Đang chờ săn phút chót   [ Huỷ săn phút chót ]
Trạng thái:Đã sử dụng
Số lượng:1
Thời gian bắt đầu:2024.04.30 (Tue) 20:40
Thời gian kết thúc:2024.05.07 (Tue) 20:40
Mở rộng thời gian đấu:Không
Kết thúc sớm:Không
Hoàn trả:Không
Hạn chế thẩm định:Không
Giới hạn xác thực:Không
Trả giá cao nhất:
Giá khởi điểm:400,000 yên ( 70,400,000 đ )
Auction ID:b1131961783

Thông tin sản phẩm

If you are purchasing from outside Japan, please use "buyee" (bidding agency)




1/350 ハセガワ 日本海軍 航空母艦 赤城 “ミッドウェー海戦”+ディテールアップツール

・転売 〇(軍艦に興味がなくなったら売ってください、缶バッチとシールは転売禁止) 
・店舗・施設展示 〇
・改修・修正 〇

This 1/350 Akagi has been viewed over 800,000 times on the Youtube "Amegraphy" channel!
You can watch the video on Youtube to see how the model is made.

This is a 3 year old model that was built over the course of a year starting in 2021.
I bought the base and the acrylic case to sell it in an auction.
I have not opened the acrylic case from the bag, but it seems to be a little bulged around the center.
The base has been left in the bag to prevent it from getting dirty.

Navalised aircraft are placed in a storage case, so you can arrange them as you like.
The figures of mechanics are lightly glued on, so if you don't need them, please take them off.

1/350 Hasegawa IJN Aircraft Carrier Akagi "Battle of Midway
Navalised aircraft
Acrylic case and base wood grain tone (made by Acryl Meito)
Amegraphy badge
Amegraphy stickers

Direct international shipping No (international shipping is available through a proxy purchase service).
Resale OK (please sell the badges and stickers if you are no longer interested in warships.)
Display in stores and facilities OK
Modifications and alterations OK