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※黄ばみ、シミあります。 レッド ムーンは、ニューヨーク タイムズのベストセラー作家キム スタンリー ロビンソンによる宇宙探査と政治革命を描いた壮大な小説です。 「ロビンソンは、現代の SF の舞台設定に優れた作家の 1 人です。楽しく、考えさせられる作品です。」 新鮮でエキサイティング。このジャンルの巨匠の 1 人による、またしても傑出した作品です。 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLING AUTHOR IT IS THIRTY YEARS FROM NOW, AND WE HAVE COLONIZED THE MOON. American Fred Fredericks is making his first trip, his purpose to install a communications system for the Chinese Lunar Authority. But hours after his arrival he witnesses a murder and is forced into hiding. It is also the first visit for celebrity travel reporter Ta Shu. He has contacts and influence, but he too will find that the moon can be a perilous place for any traveler. Finally, there is Chan Qi. She is the daughter of the minister of finance and without doubt a person of interest to those in power. She is on the moon for reasons of her own, but when she attempts to return to China, in secret, the events that unfold will change everything-on the moon, and on Earth. 出品一覧はこちらから #夏鈴のフリーマーケット #英語 #洋書 #月