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Bán bởi:  MK
Giá sản phẩm:
140.800 đ 800 ¥
Tình trạng hàng hóa:Trầy xước ít
Phí vận chuyển nội địaĐã bao gồm phí vận chuyển (người bán chịu phí)

Thông tin sản phẩm

書き込み、マーカーなし アメリカでの作戦が失敗に終わったジュンドは、その責任を取らされ収容所へと送られる。そこでは人間が耐えうる限界を超えた、惨憺たる生活を強いられる。看守の不可解な要求や暴力が続くなか、ジュンドはキム・ジョンイルのライバルと噂される男と出会い、それが彼の人生を大きく変えることになるのだが...。危険のなか、愛するものを守り抜く青年の運命を描いた謀略恋愛小説。 Pak Jun Do is the haunted son of a lost mother—a singer “stolen” to Pyongyang—and an influential father who runs a work camp for orphans. Superiors in the North Korean state soon recognize the boy’s loyalty and keen instincts. Considering himself “a humble citizen of the greatest nation in the world,” Jun Do rises in the ranks. He becomes a professional kidnapper who must navigate the shifting rules, arbitrary violence, and baffling demands of his overlords in order to stay alive. Driven to the absolute limit of what any human being could endure, he boldly takes on the treacherous role of rival to Kim Jong Il in an attempt to save the woman he loves, Sun Moon, a legendary actress “so pure, she didn’t know what starving people looked like.”